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Define Detailed Specification | Types of Detailed Specification

Amrut Gardalwar

Detailed specification

The detailed specification of an item of work specified the quality and quantity of material, the proportion of mortar, workmanship, the method of preparation and execution and the method of measurement

The detailed specifications of the different items of work are prepared separately and describe what the work should be and how they shall be executed and constructed. The detailed specification forms an important contract document.

Detailed specification are divided into three types

1. General specification

2. Technical specification

3. Standard specification

General Specification

These are also known as conditions of contract and they apply to the work as a whole. In this document, the conditions governing the contract are written.

Technical Specification

Technical specifications are for technical requirements and quality of construction work. Technical specification provides the details of inspection and various tests to be carried out during construction work.

Technical specifications are further divided into: -

a) Specification for material and workmanship

b) Specification for performance

c) Specification for proprietary

Standard Specification

Specification writing is a tedious job time consuming and lengthy process. Specification written for a particular item of work by different persons may not be complete and uniform as specifications writing needs skill and experience, hence specification are standardized for most of the items of the work.

These standardized specifications are written by committee of experts of government department such as PWD, CPWD and other public limited concerns. The committee prepares the standard specifications carefully and publishes them duly printed.


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