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Define Specification | Purpose/ Object/ uses/ Necessity of specification | Types of specification

Amrut Gardalwar


An engineering specification is a set of document which contains detailed description of workmanship and materials which are required to complete the project work. In order to have an effective control on quality of work it is necessary that specification for each item of work should be given.

The technical drawing of any civil engineering work shows plan, elevation, and various sections with dimension. However due to storage of space, it is not possible to finish details of quality of material, workmanship, method of execution etc. This information is given on a separate document known as specification. The cost of a work depends much on the specifications.

Specification is a contract document specifying the quality of material to be used and the method workmanship to be adopted during the execution of project or work.

Specification is an important part of all engineering contracts. Specifications depends on the nature of the work, the purpose for which the work is required, strength of the materials, availability of material, quality of material, etc.

Purpose/ Object/ uses/ Necessity of specification

1. It governs the cost per unit item.

2. It describes the quality of material to be used and method of workmanship to be adopted.

3. It helps the contractor in pricing the tender.

4. Specifications serve as a guide to the supervisor as well as to the contractor during execution of works.

5. It protects the owner from bad quality of work.

6. Specifications are required in court of law in case of disputes.

7. It describes and limits the duty and responsibility of the owner and the contractor.

Types of specification

1. Brief specification

2. Detailed specification

Brief Specification

While preparing the estimate, the quantity surveyor writes down the brief description of every item. These are known as brief specification and they do not form part of the contract document. They are only useful to the person preparing the estimate of the work. Brief specification gives the nature and class of the work and material in general terms, to be used in various parts of the work, from foundation to superstructure.

Detailed specification

The detailed specification of an item of work specified the quality and quantity of material, the proportion of mortar, workmanship, the method of preparation and execution and the method of measurement

The detailed specifications of the different items of work are prepared separately and describe what the work should be and how they shall be executed and constructed. The detailed specification forms an important contract document.


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