Factors to be considered for selection of site for an airport
1. Atmospheric and meteorological condition
2. Availability of land for expansion
3. Availability of utilities
4. Development of surrounding areas
5. Regional plan
6. Good accessibility
7. Topography
1. Atmospheric and meteorological condition
The presence of fog, haze and smoke reduces the visibility and the poor visibility lowers the traffic capacity of an aircraft. The fog has tendency to settle into areas where there is little wind. The lack of wind is caused by the topographical features of surrounding locality.
In a simple way, smoke and haze are present at sites very near to the large industrial areas. The wind data should also be studied and to have minimum blowing of smoke from the city, the site should be located on the windward direction
2. Availability of land for expansion
The field of aviation is expanding day by day. It is therefore necessary to acquire land in advance or to be able to acquire sufficient real estate in the future for expansion of airport.
3. Availability of utilities
An airport, especially a large one has to be provided with utilities like water, electric power, telephone, sewer, etc.
4. Development of surrounding areas
The study of the type of development of surrounding area is very important because the airport activities, particularly from stand point of noise, are often quite objectionable to the neighbour of the airport.
5. Regional plan
The airport site should be selected in such a way that it fits appropriately in the regional plan. Such an airport will form an integral part of the national airport network.
6. Ground accessibility
The location of airport should be such that it results in the shortest ground access time.
7. Topography
Topographical features like ground contour, trees, streams, etc. should be studied while selecting site for an airport.