Important Characteristics of aircraft affecting planning and design of airport
1. Type of propulsion
Based on type of propulsion and thrust generating medium aircrafts could be classified as:-
a. Piston engine: - have reciprocating engine which is fitted with propellers
b. Turbo-jet: - have turbo engine which are not driven by propellers
c. Turbo fan or turbo prop: - turbo engine have a fan either at front or rear of the turbo engine.
2. Size
Size of an aircraft can be defined by the following.
a. Wing span: - wing span decides the apron size, taxiway clearance, turning clearance.
b. Length: - length decides the width of exist taxiway, apron size and length of hanger
c. The maximum height: - height affects the height of hanger and its gate.
d. Distance between main gear: - distance between main gear decides the geometries of exist runway
3. Capacity
Capacity of an aircraft includes
a. Fuel space
b. Passenger space
c. Cargo space
4. Weight
Structural design of the aircraft is based on the total load of the aircraft.
a. Operating weight: - it the weight of empty aircraft, its crew and all equipments required to fly, excluding passenger and fuel load
b. Payload: - it is the load which consist of passengers, mail and cargo
c. Fuel weight: - it consists of weight of fuel taken by an aircraft required for the trip.
d. Maximum landing weight: - at landing aircraft loses weight of fuel consumption in a flight.
5. Range
The length of normal haul is called range. The range has important influence on the frequency of operation, affecting peak hour traffic and runway capacity.
6. Speed
a. Ground speed or cruising speed: - ground speed is a speed of the aircraft related to ground
b. Airspeed: - air speed is a speed of aircraft related to the medium in which it is travelling.
7. Turning radius
Turning radius would decide the radius of curve at the end taxiway. It helps in location of apron and other installations.
8. Tyre-pressure and contact area
Tyre pressure and contact area helps in arriving at the total thickness of the airport pavement and suitability of the type of pavement.