Necessity of Track Maintenance
1. Due to the constant movement of heavy and high speed trains, the packaging under the sleeper becomes loose and track geometry disturbed. The gauge, alignment and longitudinal as well as cross levels of the track thus gets affected adversely and safety of the track is jeopardized.
2. Due to the vibrations and impact of high speed trains, the fitting of the track comes undone and there is heavy wear and tear of the track.
3. The track and its components got worn out as a result of the weathering effect of rain, sun and sand.
Advantages of good maintenance
1. The life of the both track as well as rolling stock increases by proper maintenance.
2. Regular track maintenance helps in reducing operating costs and fuel consumption.
3. A well maintained track imparts smooth riding of vehicles which result in comfort to passenger and safety to goods.
4. When track maintenance is neglected for a long time, it may render the track beyond repair, calling for heavy track renewals that entail huge expenses.
A well maintained track offers a safe and comfortable journey to passengers. If the track is not maintained properly; it will cause discomfort to the passenger and in extreme cases may even give rise to hazardous condition that can lead to derailments and a consequential loss of life and property. Track maintenance ensures that such situations do not arise.