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Objectives of Providing Ballast in the Permanent Way | Types of Ballast

Amrut Gardalwar


1. To transfer and distribute the load from sleeper to large area of formation.

2. To provide elasticity and resilience to the track for getting proper riding comfort.

3. To give necessary resistance to track for longitudinal and lateral stability.

4. To give effective drainage to track.

5. To prevent growth of weeds inside the track.

6. To prevent effective means of maintaining evenness and alignment of track.

Types of ballast

1. Broken stone

2. Gravel

3. Ashes or cinder

4. Sand

5. Moorum

6. Kankar

7. Brick ballast

8. Blast furnace slag

1. Broken stone ballast

This is the best material for the use of ballast because it satisfies all the requirements of good ballast. The stone which is non-porous, hard angular and does not flake when broken, should be used as ballast. Granite, quartzite and trap are the best varieties of the stone for using as ballast


a. Hard and durable

b. Good drainage property

c. Economical in the long run

d. Is stable and resilient to the track


a. Initial cost is high

b. Difficulties in procurement

2. Ashes or cinder

The residue obtained from coal used in locomotives and other furnace is known as ashes or cinder. It is universal type of ballast since it is a by product of every railway using coal as fuel.


a. Easy availability on railway

b. Very cheap

c. Good drainage


a. Harmful for steel sleeper

b. Maintenance is difficult

c. Soft and easily

3. Sand ballast

It is reasonably another good material for use as ballast. Course sand is generally preferred to fine sand for his purpose.


a. Good drainage property

b. Cheap

c. It produces a silent track

d. Good packing material for cast iron sleeper


a. Blows off easily

b. Causes excessive wear

4. Moorum ballast

It is formed by decomposition of laterite. It is of red or sometimes of yellow colour. It is a soft material to be used as ballast


a. Cheap, if locally available

b. Prevents water from percolating

c. It has got good drainage properties


a. Very soft and turns into dust

b. Maintenance of track is difficult

c. Quality of track average


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