Sleeper are transverse ties on which rails are laid. They form a very important component of a track.
Function/ Necessity of sleeper
1. Holding the rails in their correct gauge and alignment.
2. Giving a firm and even support to the trails.
3. To provide stability to the permanent way on the whole.
4. To provide insulation for electrified track.
Ideal requirement of the good sleeper
1. Both initial and maintenance cost should be minimum.
2. They should have long life
3. They should be able to maintain correct gauge
4. They should be quite durable i.e. they should offer sufficient resistance to weathering agencies.
5. They should be suitable to each type of ballast.
6. They should be suitable for track circulating
7. They should have high scarp value
8. They should have adequate bearing area
9. The sleeper should be capable of resisting vibrations & shocks due to passage of fast moving trains.
10. The sleeper should have anti-sabotage and anti-theft features