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Construction Waste Generation and Management

Amrut Gardalwar

Construction Waste Generation and Management

Waste generated by construction activities, such as scrap damaged or spoiled materials, temporary and expendable construction material and aids that are not included in the finished project, packaging material and waste generated by the workforce.


Depositing waste in a solid waste disposal facility, usually a managed by landfill.


Introducing a material into some process for re-manufacture into a new product, which may be the same or similar product or completely a different product.


The subsequent use of a material, product or component upon salvage.

Various construction and demolition waste

1. Dust

2. Electronics

3. Materials contaminated with waste

4. Woody and plant material concrete

5. Gravels, aggregate, stone and rock

6. Masonry and rubble

7. Metals

8. Wood

9. Plastic glass

10. Doors and windows

11. Gypsum board

12. Cardboard and paper

13. Plumbing fixtures

14. Lighting fixtures


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