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Highway Act | Declaration of Certain Highways to Be National Highway

Amrut Gardalwar

Highway Act

Indian Highway Act 1956, this is an Act No. 48 of 1956 enacted on 11 September, 1956. An act provide for declaration of certain highways and for matter connected therewith.

Declaration of certain highways to be national highway

1. Each of the highways specified in the schedule expect such parts there of as are situated within any municipal areas is hereby declared to be a national highway

2. The central government may, by notification in the official gazette, declare any other highway shall be deemed to be specified in the schedule.

3. The central government may, by like notification, omit any highway from the schedule and on the publication of such notification; the highways so omitted shall cease to be a national highway.

In this Act “municipal area” means any municipal area with population of twenty thousand or more the control or management of which is entrusted to a municipal committee, a town area committee, a town committee, or any other authority

National Highways to Vest in the Union

All national highways shall vest in the union and for the purpose of this act highways include.

1. All land appurtenant there to, weather demarcated or not.

2. All bridges, culverts, tunnels, causeways, carriage ways and other structures constructed on or across to such highways.

3. All fences, trees, posts and boundary, furlong and milestone of such highways or any land appurtenant to such highways


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