Provision for Escalation in term of Cost
The construction economy can be achieved at design and supervision level. It can be explained below.
A. At the level of designer/ engineer
A designer or engineer can affect economy on following aspect.
1. Repeated use of form work
2. Simple design
3. Minimum use and requirement of machine & equipment
4. Minimum labour requirement.
5. Use of local material
6. Language of specification should be simple and specification written completely.
7. Specification should be such with which the contractor is familiar.
8. Supervision should be experienced and able to take decision on spot in case of site problem.
B. At level of contractor
Contractor can control the cost of the following aspect before bidding, the contractor should study the following aspect well as they influence the cost of the project to a great extend.
1. Topography of the site
2. Geology of the area of the area
3. Climatic condition of the site
4. Sources of the contraction material and their availability
5. Access to the site
6. Availability of labour
7. Local service as power, fuel and water
8. Housing facility for staff
9. Storage facilities for the material and equipment at the site
10. Using alternate construction equipment having higher efficiency and capacity with low operating cost.
11. Employing trained and experienced staff
12. Adopting safety measures at the site to reduce accidents