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Electrostatic Precipitator | Application | Advantages & Disadvantages

Amrut Gardalwar

Electrostatic precipitator

Electrostatic precipitator is devices that used electrical energy directly for the removal of particulate matters from the carrier gas stream.

The principle on which this equipment operates is that, when a gas containing aerosol is passed between two electrodes that are electrically insulated from each other and between which there is considerable difference in electric potential, aerosol, particles precipitate on the low potential electrode.


1. A source of voltage

2. Discharge electrodes and collecting electrodes

3. Inlet and outlet for the gas

4. A means (hopper) for disposal of the collected material

5. An electronic cleaning system

6. An outer casing to form an enclosure around the electrodes.



1. Cement factories

2. Pulp and paper mill

3. Steel plates

4. Non-ferrous metals industry

5. Chemical industry

6. Petroleum industry

7. Carbon black industry

8. Electric power industry


1. High collection efficiency

2. Particles as small as 0.1 µm can be removed

3. Low maintenance and operating costs.

4. Low pressure drop

5. Satisfactory handling of a large volume of high temperature gas.

6. Treatment time is negligible

7. Cleaning is easy by removing units of the precipitator from operation.

8. There is no limit to solid, liquid or corrosive chemical usage


1. High initial cost

2. Space requirement is more because of the large size of the equipment.

3. Possible explosion hazards during collection of combustible gases or particulates.

4. Precautions are necessary to maintain safety during operation.


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