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Transfer Station | Types of Transfer Station

Amrut Gardalwar

Transfer station

The site at which the solid wastes from primary small vehicles transfer to large transportation vehicles is called transfer station. These transport the waste to the end point of disposal in an incinerator, landfill, or hazardous waste facility, or for recycling. The transfer stations are most commonly used in developed countries.

Types of transfer station

1. Level site transfer station

2. Split level site transfer station

1. Level site transfer station

The site where the refuse is transferred manually from one vehicle to another vehicle is called level site transfer station. In these types of transfer stations, the primary vehicles unload its content on site, which are then manually transferred to the bigger size secondary vehicles.

2. Split level site transfer station

The site where the refuse from one vehicle is transferred directly into the another vehicles, which is standing at different level is called split level site transferred station

Such site consists of loading platform at a height of 3 – 4m above the ground level and a ramp having the slope of 1 in 12 to 1 in 15. The primary vehicle climbs up this ramp and unload the content from the specific point into the vehicle standing at lower elevation. After unloading the primary vehicles climb down from the other side of the ramp.


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