Methods of Sanitary Landfill
Trench Method
Excavated cell/ Trench method- Ideally suited to areas where an adequate depth of cover material is available at the site and water table Is not near the surface.
Solid Waste are placed in cells/ trenches excavated in the soil.
Soil excavated from the site is used for daily and final cover
Excavated cells are lined with synthetic membrane liners/ low permeability clay/combination of two to limit the movement of landfill gas and leachate
Area Method
Area method is used when terrain is unsuitable for excavation of cells/ trenches and GW table is high. Site preparation includes installation of liners and leachate management system.
-Cover material must be obtained from adjacent land/ borrow, pit areas
Since there is limited material for covering, compost, foundry sand has been utilized as intermediate cover material
Temporary cover material of soil and geosynthetic blankets placed temporarily over completed cell and removed before next lift is began Leachate generation may occur and may be difficult to control
Ramp Method
The slope or ramp is sometimes used in combination with the other two methods. The wastes are spread on an existing slope, compacted and covered. This variation may be suitable for most areas. The cover materials usually come from just ahead of the working face.