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Noise Pollution | Source of Noise Pollution | Effect of noise Pollution | Control Measures of Noise

Amrut Gardalwar

Noise Pollution

Noise is unwanted sound produced naturally or by manmade source. The measurement of noise is done by decibels. Due to increase in population, industry, number of vehicles, etc. the noise is increasing day by day in the cities.

Source of Noise Pollution

1. Various industries such as textiles, printing, etc.

2. Experiment of rocket launching, nuclear exposure, etc.

3. Noise of automobile, such as horns of trucks, railways, airplane, etc.

4. Equipment likes bulldozer, pile driver, etc.

5. Domestic appliances likes exhaust fan, Tv, Radio

Effect of Noise Pollution

1. Decrease in the efficiency of the workers.

2. Uneasy feeling and stress.

3. Strain in the nervous system of the people

4. Decrease in hearing power of person working in noisy atmosphere.

5. Irrigation to pupil of eyes

6. Fluctuation of blood pressure.

7. Interference with sound sleep

8. Damage to heart, brain, lever, etc.

Control Measure of Noise Pollution

1. The noise of automobiles horns, noisy brakes, and loudspeaker unnecessarily loud radio, etc. may be reduced or even eliminated if possible.

2. The noise can be prevented by their proper design of building and providing sound-insulating materials.

3. Educating the public to produce minimum sound can also reduce noise.

4. Maintaining adequate distance from the source, the noise can be reduced in certain extend.

5. Limiting the horn of all transportation vehicles can also reduce noise.


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