Safe Height of Chimney
The height of stacks plays a major role in the ground level concentration expected on the downwind side. As per emission regulations ( July 1984) part 1 published by central board of prevention and control of water pollution (CBPCWP), New Delhi, the stack height is to be determined by adopting following conditions: -
1. For stack emitting particulate matters: -

h = height of stack (chimney) in m.
QP = particulate matters emission in t/hr.
2. For stack emitting gaseous pollutants: -

h = height of stack (chimney) in m.
Q = rate of SO2 gas emission in kg/hr.
3. Minimum height of stack: -
The minimum height of chimney should not be less the following

Relaxation in minimum stack height
Some relaxation in minimum height of stack is made for boiler sets
