Sanitary Land Filling
Sanitary landfill is a method of disposal of waste on land without creating nuisance on hazard to public health by using principles of engineering to confine the waste to small practical area, to reduce it to small practical volume and to cover it with layer of the earth at the end of each day work.
Selection of site for sanitary land filling
1. Land requirement
The sufficient land should be available outside the city; the land should have sufficient density, degree of compaction, depth of land, etc.
2. Land use restriction
The town planning authorities should be consulted before selecting the site so that it is compatible with their plans.
3. Approach
The site should be easily accessible for vehicle throughout the year. It consists, narrow bridges, steep grade, roads, etc.
4. Haul distance
The site distance should be nearer to the area to be served, so that the cost of transportation is reduced.